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Minutes from the computer science PhD programme council meeting April 14 2013, 13.15-15


  • David House
  • Dilian Gurov
  • Francisco Vina
  • Pawel Herman
  • Pedro Gomes
  • Raveesh Meena


Dilian informed about the budget that the program got for this year. Most of the funding will go for the development of new courses. Then, 190 KSEK have been allocated for the next AWoCoDo'14 workshop, which should take place in January 2014. The doctoral student council is by now aware of this and has started planning for the event. Further, the program has some 30 KSEK in the budget for organizing distinguished lecture seminaria, pedagogical seminars and supervisory meetings. These demand a plan for, so it was suggested people to write your ideas of what concretely we could organize in this respect.

Program's webpage

Raveesh informed us about the web pages of our doctoral program. Here is a first version of the page which he developed about the courses. Comments are most welcome. The next step is to improve the pages presenting the program. Pedro offered to maintain in a light-wight manner our council's pages on the TCS Wiki.

Doctoral ladder

It was discussed Henrik Artman's proposal for the doctoral ladder for the MDI program, and whether the program should introduce a similar one. The general conclusion was that this is a good idea, after some modifications that were discussed. Dilion will meet with Henrik and possibly Karl Palmskog to discuss it further. The idea would be then to coordinate the steps of the ladder with the individual study plans, which are then to be monitored by the supervisors and supervisory committees. One issue that appears to be open is how to deal with conflict situations.

Course on leadership

Michael proposed a course on leadership. Since he was not present at the meeting, itwas suggested that Michael makes a case for this course and sends it to the council by e-mail.

Next meeting

The next meeting of the council is proposed for Tuesday, August 13, 13:15 - 15:00 in the usual place, to kick off our activities in the fall.